Acting Against the Fast Fashion Trend: Four Small Steps - One Big Difference

| By Leon Kirschgens & Jacqueline Plaster

Too many new clothes are still being made - because we all demand them. People and nature suffer from it. Yet even small steps of mindfulness in everyday life are enough to make a big difference together. Four measures that each of us can implement.

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| By Leon Kirschgens & Jacqueline Plaster

Loose Leaf Tea Instead of Plastic Teabags

| By Leon Kirschgens & Jacqueline Plaster

Partner FZJ: One of The Largest Research Centres In Europe - Hidden In…

| By Jacqueline Plaster & Leon Kirschgens

Additional Threat to Underwater Paradise - Plastic Make Corals Sick

| By Jacqueline Plaster & Leon Kirschgens

Wherever Possible: Buy Locally

| By Leon Kirschgens & Jacqueline Plaster

Plastic And Health Risk - It Starts With the Production

| By Leon Kirschgens & Jacqueline Plaster

The Biotechnological Approach Works: How A Whole-Cell Biocatalyst…

| By Leon Kirschgens & Jacqueline Plaster

Hygiene Basis – What Does This Have to Do With Our Plastic Problem?

| By Leon Kirschgens & Jacqueline Plaster

Introduction of Our Spanish Partners: The CIB-CSIC

| By Leon Kirschgens & Jacqueline Plaster

Success of Previous Project: Newly Isolated Bacteria Can Degrade…