GreenTech Expo

The RWTH Aachen University presents an exhibition of current reseach in the field of sustainability.

From the 10th to the 24th of June the first GreenTech Expo takes place in Aachen. The exhibition draws attention to the topic "Plastics and Circular Economy". On 20 banners measuring 3,50 meters by 1,80 meters, research approaches are visualized that lead to long-term sustainability in the use of plastics. Ongoing research projects and approaches for a more sustainable world will be presented, some of which have already been implemented by founders from RWTH. On one of these banners the MIX-UP project is presented.

Last Tuedsay, June 14, as part of the exhibition, there was a day of action with the intention to broaden the focus to other aspects of sustainability. Our MIX-UP PhD stundent Gina Welsing took part as a delegate of MIX-UP and gave a presentation about current research advances.

For more information click here.