Plastics are indispensible for our high livingstandard and health. The can also contribute to sustainability. Plastics production has tremendously increased over the last decades needing lost of ressoures and ending up as wate. They impact alos the living and non libving environment. For theses reasons recycyling of plastices has gained more and more interest in recent years. Recycyling is seen as the solution of the abaoven mentioned “plastics problem”. Whilst recycyling can indeed contrinute to reduc e this probelerm ist caomeas along with challenges too. To enabale a truly sustainbale role of palstics in modern sociteies a broader view on the one hand is necessry. On the other hand a better understanding of possible rebeopund effects as well as the significance of design of plastics is needed.
Announcement: Guest Lecture in December!
We are happy to welcome Prof. Klaus Kümmerer from Leuphana University Lüneburg for a guest lecture on “Chemistry, Circular Economy and Sustainability - The Example of Plastics” on Friday, 1st of December 2023, at 11 a.m. (CET).